الصفحة الرئيسية » هل سبق لك استخدام هذه الوظائف الخاصة بنظام مشغل الوسائط المتعددة في السيارة?

هل سبق لك استخدام هذه الوظائف الخاصة بنظام مشغل الوسائط المتعددة في السيارة?

منذ أكثر من عقد, كان نظام الترفيه الوحيد في السيارة هو الراديو, والتي تطورت فيما بعد إلى مشغل كاسيت ثم أصبحت مشغل أقراص مضغوطة. لكن الآن, لقد أطلق عليه نظام الوسائط المتعددة للسيارة, ولا توجد شاشة كبيرة على السيارة تخجل من إلقاء التحية. ومع ذلك, هل استخدمت هذه الميزات?

دي في دي, video playback
That's right, الشاشة الكبيرة مصممة لهذه الوظيفة. بالطبع, هذه الوظيفة مخصصة فقط للركاب في السيارة. يمكن للسائق رؤيتها بسهولة بالغة. ومع ذلك, في الوقت الحاضر ، اعتاد الناس على مشاهدة مقاطع الفيديو على الهواتف المحمولة أو الأجهزة اللوحية, والشاشة في السيارة ليست أكبر بكثير من هذه الأجهزة. Many people would rather watch these devices directly.

Navigation function
There are so many roads nowadays, you can hardly recognize the road when driving, and you must have navigation nearby. Actually, there are not many navigations that are done well. You have to update maps regularly, but the update speed of car navigation maps is far less than that of mobile phones.

Reversing camera
This function is absolutely practical, no matter the rookie veteran can use it, the purpose is not for safety! You don't have to worry about feeling too good and bumping into things. ومع ذلك, this function is only an aid to the blind spot, remember to look at the left and right rearview mirrors.

Bluetooth phone
It is wrong to call by car, but the phone does not answer, and I feel uneasy. When the Bluetooth phone appears, answering the phone is no problem. ومع ذلك, do you like to use hands-free all day when you call? Especially when you have some secrets and there are people next to you ...

Voice function
This seems to be very powerful, the same principle as the iPhone's siri. Theoretically, this function is safe to use, however, the recognition rate of this function is not so good for every car. When you use chase pure mandarin to say every instruction one by one, the system can not accurately recognize When do you think you are stupid?

Internet function
With a multimedia system, do you think it's cooler to use than a mobile phone? In addition to the relatively large screen, various operations are complicated and stuttering. ومع ذلك, Wi-Fi hotspots have said that in the past, people now have a "no Wi-Fi will die" symptom, it is still good to use it for passengers in the car. ومع ذلك, when you go online in China, you have to find a network operator, which means you need traffic ...

Location Interactive Service
Some vehicles already have a background service function, directly calling the background for vehicle rescue, emergency maintenance and other services. ومع ذلك, most of this feature is a paid item, just like your mobile phone, it is just a display without paying.

Mobile phone interconnection function
The current mobile phone functions are far more powerful than the vehicle-mounted multimedia system, so it is very practical to project the phone directly onto the vehicle-mounted system. بالطبع, most of the current systems are very fond of picking mobile phones, and some mobile phones can't support this kind of function. If you want to use them, you can only change the mobile phone.

إذا كنت تريد معرفة المزيد عن مشغلات الوسائط المتعددة في السيارة, تحديد المواقع والملاحة, إلخ, يمكنك الاتصال بنا.

الوقت بعد: 2020-04-21
الاستفسار الآن