Zuhause » Wartungsmethoden für Auto-Multimedia-Player

Wartungsmethoden für Auto-Multimedia-Player

1. Correct operation
From the aspect of maintenance, Auch die richtige Anwendung ist sehr wichtig. Nach Gebrauch, Die Autonavigation sollte vor dem Abstellen des Motors ausgeschaltet werden. Obwohl es weniger Probleme bereitet, niemals abzuschalten, Es kann nach längerer Zeit leicht zu Schäden an elektronischen Bauteilen kommen.
Auch, Achten Sie darauf, dass der Navigationsbildschirm keine scharfen Gegenstände berührt. Versuchen Sie gleichzeitig, die Mittelkonsole in der Sonne zu meiden. Der größere Temperaturunterschied wirkt sich nicht nur auf die Akkulaufzeit der Navigation aus, sondern auch auf die Berührungsempfindlichkeit des LCD-Bildschirms.

2.daily maintenance

In daily use, wenn Sie der Bedienung keine Aufmerksamkeit schenken, Es ist leicht, Staub auf die Navigation zu bringen. In der Tat, the design process has considered the problem of dust prevention. Compared with the previous, it has been relatively reduced. play music. As long as we take care to cover the protective cover in time during normal use, it will effectively prevent the entry of dust. The laser head of the optical disc is a fragile part and relatively expensive. If a malfunction occurs, a professional is required to deal with it. The button knob on the panel can be cleaned with a small cotton swab or the like.

3. Waterproof and moisture-proof

Electronic equipment is afraid of water, and waterproof and moisture-proof are necessary. When washing the car, be sure to close the door tightly. When cleaning the interior of the car, also be careful. If you need to wipe it, try not to have too much water on the towel, not to spray the water with a watering can or spray it with a liquid such as detergent. After cleaning, it is best Wipe it again with a soft, dry towel to prevent the damp navigation from affecting normal work. You can also open the doors and windows to ventilate, evaporate the moisture in the car and then close it. This is not only helpful for car navigation, but also for the dryness of the car's interior and preventing the growth of bacteria.

In addition to paying attention to correct operation and maintenance in daily use, it is also important to choose a reliable car navigation brand. Well-known car navigation manufacturers can not only provide high-quality car navigation but also provide various perfect after-sales for car owners. Service, so that navigation can really be put into practical use, car navigation is a sophisticated instrument, and the data inside should be updated and upgraded in time to facilitate the use of the owner.

If you want to know more about Multimedia-Player im Auto, GPS Navigation, etc., you can contact us.

Post Zeit: 2020-04-21