Bidh T3 a’ cleachdadh cumhachd ìosal,high performance processor for in-vehicle infotainment system support Android based on the ARM cortex architecture and integrates octa-core Cortex-A7 with separately NEON coprocessor.
Large ROM More Possibilities allows you to to download your favorite apps such as navigation,geamannan, bhideothan, agus mòran a bharrachd!
HansTone updates for RDS, like AF, RT, to offer users ore comfortable driving experience
Various navigation software including IGO Google and more. your long journey will no longer be bothered by the nightmare of getting lost
Ceangal Blutooth furasta bho fhòn-làimhe gu aonad càr, bidh gluasad an fhuaim tùsail gun teannachadh sam bith ag obair gu foirfe le smachd cuibhle stiùiridh
when phone is connected to Head unit via wifi , all pictures ,audios transmitted from phone to unit and we can play freely on this unit.
carplay android auto works perfectly
Cuir taic ri camara cùil HD le loidhnichean stiùiridh airson sàbhailteachd a thionndadh air ais