Dachaigh » Bathar » Kia Sportage 2019 Bliadhna 9 Cluicheadair ioma-mheadhan seòlaidh rèidio càr

Kia Sportage 2019 Bliadhna 9 Cluicheadair ioma-mheadhan seòlaidh rèidio càr

HansTone offer the Kia sportage 2019 dealbhadh bliadhna 9inch, uidheamaichte le CarPlay, android auto, NetFlix, Bùth Cluich, Youtube, Google Waze 3D seòladh làn-ùine, Radio soilleir gun eadar-theachd, Teicneòlas adhartach Qualcomm BT5.0, 20000EQ, toradh fuaim didseatach, 6 Toradh neo-eisimeileach RCA, Toradh HDMI.

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

Tagaichean toraidh

6041 Kia Sportage 2019 Bliadhna

Kia Sportage 2019 Bliadhna 9 Cluicheadair ioma-mheadhan seòlaidh rèidio càr


PX6 Android 10 siostam obrachaidh fìor-ùine le eadar-aghaidh grafaigeach as fheàrr leis an neach-cleachdaidh

2X Cortex A72 suas gu 1.8GHZ agus 4X Cortex A53 suas gu 1.4GHZ

LPDDR4 4G RAM Àrd-astar 32G ROM


Tha CarPlay Android Auto a ’toirt a-steach

Taic PlayStore, toirt a-steach NetFilx, Waza, Mapa Google agus mar sin air adhart.


DSP ( Pròiseasaran fuaim didseatach )

Siostam gluasaid didseatach iomlan.

20000Suidheachadh EQ 0Hz 20KHz

6 toradh RCA neo-eisimeileach

Toraidhean claisneachd: 2x aghaidh,2x cùil, 1x subwoofer meadhan 1x, 1x Amplifier (SPDIF)

6 slighe neach-labhairt neo-eisimeileach Pass Pass Àrd Ìosal

6 dòigh parament ùine neo-eisimeileach

1 dòigh toradh SPDIF

Subwoofer: 60Hz 150Hz

Toradh cumhachd Max:4 x 45 Watt

Cumhachd toraidh iomlan Max:180 Watt


Kia sportage

Kia Motors has revealed the upgraded Kia Sportage, introducing a range of enhancements to the brand's European and global best-seller. The new model pairs an updated exterior and interior design with new safety and infotainment technologies. Powertrains are also fully-compliant with future emissions standards.The Sportage's advanced new EcoDynamic+ 48V diesel mild-hybrid powertrain is the first to be launched as part of the brand's global powertrain electrification strategy. Kia is the first manufacturer to offer hybrid, plug-in hybrid, battery-electric and 48-volt mild-hybrid technology across its full model line-up. Kia will launch 16 advanced powertrain vehicles by 2025, including five new hybrids, five plug-in hybrids, five battery-electric vehicles and, in 2020, a new fuel-cell electric vehicle. Kia sold more than 131,000 examples of the Kia Sportage in 2017, representing a quarter of the brand's total European sales. Upgrades to the Sportage range also include modifications to GT Line models. European customer deliveries of the new model will start during Q3 2018.

Updates to attractive Kia SUV design
Improvements to the Kia Sportage's sporty exterior design include new front and rear bumpers, as well as redesigned front and rear lamps and new 16-, 17- and 19-inch alloy wheel designs. Options include chrome sill trim and metallic skid plates, and five new paint colours. GT Line models are equipped with a gloss black hot-stamped radiator grille, a gloss black and silver skid plate, and dark chrome inserts on the side sills and rear tailgate. The GT Line's unique 19-inch alloy wheels have been redesigned, and all models are fitted with a dual exhaust rear valance and revised 'ice cube' LED fog lamp designs. The newly-refined cabin features a new steering wheel and revised instrument cluster, as well as new black-and-grey two-tone upholstery. GT Line models are available with new black-and-grey two-tone leather seats, or optional black leather with red accents.

Smart safety technologies and new infotainment systems

The upgraded Sportage adopts Kia's latest advanced driving assistance systems, including Smart Cruise Control with Stop&Go, an Around View Monitor for easier parking manoeuvres, and Driver Attention Warning, to combat fatigue and inattentiveness at the wheel. European customers have a choice of Kia's new infotainment systems: a 7.0-inch touchscreen, or a new 'frameless' 8.0-inch infotainment system.

Paramadairean toraidh

Modail Àir. 6041
Meud LCD 9 òirleach
Seòrsa Modail PAD
Modalan càr KIA Sportage 2018
Platfrom HS400 HS600 HS900
CPU 4G LTE Taic Dongle CPU toirt a-steach Taic Dongle
Tionndadh Android 10 10 10
CPU T3 4core A7 TS9 8core A9 PX6 6 cridhe 2XA72 4X53
Tricead 1.1GHz 1.8GHz A72 2.0GHz A53 1.5GHz
C1 tasgadan 32Cache treòrachaidh K L1 agus tasgadan dàta 32KB L1 airson gach CPU Bidh gach Cortex-A72 a ’toirt a-steach tasgadan stiùiridh 48KB L1 agus tasgadan dàta 32KB L1 le associative seata 4-way. Bidh gach Cortex A53 a ’fighe a-steach tasgadan stiùiridh 32KB L1 agus tasgadan dàta 32kB L1 air leth le ceangal seata 4-slighe
C2 L2 512K L2 tasgadan air a roinn 1MB aonaichte L2 Cache airson am brabhsair Mòr, 512KB aonaichte L2 Cache airson Little cluster
GPU Tha Mali400 MP2 a ’toirt taic do OpenGL ES1.1 2.0, Fosgail VG 1.1 àbhaisteach ARM Mali T860MP4 GPU, cuir taic ri OpenGL ES1.1 2.0 3.0, OpenCL1.2, DirectX11.1 msaa
ROM 16GB 32GB 32GB 64GB 32GB 64GB
Prìomh bhòrd Teicneòlas Òr bogaidh Òr bogaidh Òr bogaidh
Prìomh shreath a ’bhùird 2 4 6
Rèidio Rèidio NXP 6686 NXP 6686 NXP 6686
RDS Taic Taic Taic
DAB + Taic Taic Taic
BT Tionndadh 4 5 5 ( Qualcomm roghainneil)
Micreofon Beulaibh Beulaibh Beulaibh
Siostam fuaim AMP IC TDA7388 TDA7851 ST 7803A
DSP IC Chan eil Chan eil AKM 7738VQ
Suidheachadh DSP Chan eil Chan eil Proifeasanta
Filter Pass Àrd Chan eil Chan eil tha
Filter Pass Ìosal Chan eil Chan eil tha
Cumhachd 20W * 4 45W * 4 45W * 4
Wayout 4.1 4.1 6
Monitor fois ceann Bhidio gu monitor headrest Taic Taic Taic
Sòn dùbailte tha tha tha
USB USB 2.0 USB 2.0 USB 2.0
HDMI Chan eil Chan eil tha
Canbus tha tha tha
GPS tha tha tha
WiFi tha tha tha
Rùn LCD 1280w * RGB * 480H 1280w * RGB * 480H 1280w * RGB * 480H
Camara AHD Chan eil Chan eil tha
Camara aghaidh tha tha tha
Sgrion suathadh Suathadh Capacitive Suathadh Capacitive Suathadh Capacitive
Dì-chòdachadh stèidhichte air andorid agus APP stèidhichte air andorid agus APP stèidhichte air andorid agus APP
bhidio stèidhichte air andorid agus APP stèidhichte air andorid agus APP stèidhichte air andorid agus APP
claisneachd stèidhichte air andorid agus APP stèidhichte air andorid agus APP stèidhichte air andorid agus APP
dealbh stèidhichte air andorid agus APP stèidhichte air andorid agus APP stèidhichte air andorid agus APP
Luchdaich DVD taic taic taic
CarPlay tha tha tha
Auto Android tha tha tha
Pasgan & Cuideam Pasgan dath 4KG aon phìos 17KG aon carton 4 pìosan ann an aon carton
Accessories 1X Càball cumhachd 1X càball camara 2X USB càball 1X AV càball 1X Canbus Box 1X GPS càball 1X WiFi connector 1X neach-labhairt 1X ceangal rèidio
Luingearachd 5~ 10days ùine luaidhe. Le DHL TNT FedEx cuir an cèill, bathar adhair msaa.
Lìbhrigeadh& Seirbheis Lìbhrigeadh ùineail gach uair. Thoir seachad seirbheis earbsach agus cunntachail airson gach neach-ceannach le gach toradh. Is e ar targaid a bhith a ’sàsachadh gach neach-ceannach leis an t-seirbheis as fheàrr

Cuir do theachdaireachd thugainn: