MERCEDES SMART 2016 Bliadhna 9 Cluicheadair ioma-mheadhan seòlaidh rèidio càr
6024 MERCEDES SMART 2016 Bliadhna 9 Inch
MERCEDES SMART 2016 Bliadhna 9 Cluicheadair ioma-mheadhan seòlaidh rèidio càr
"As Europe's youngest car brand, smart enjoys global success today. No-one combines functionality and emotionality as well as we do, as the inventors of individual urban mobility. The new smart fortwo and forfour adopt the proven concept while offering more of just about everything - more space, more colour, more equipment ... and even more fun in the city!
"smart stands for FUN.ctional design, as the brand is defined by two poles - the heart and mind. The design idiom is clear and purist and therefore very progressive. The typical smart attributes are being carried into a new era: the typical silhouette with the ultra-short overhangs, the clear lines, forms and surfaces, the tridion cell and the updated, likeable smart face," says Gorden Wagener, Head of Design at Daimler AG. "It is never easy to design the successor to a design icon - but it is all the more exciting."
The compact proportions and clever details attest to unique functionality. The new smart fortwo and the new smart forfour are clearly recognisable as members of the same family. Many design features such as the headlamps, the cooling air grille in the front and the iconic tridion safety cell are identical, for example. And both vehicles are fitted with rear engines, making them particularly agile in urban traffic.
PX6 Android 10 siostam obrachaidh fìor-ùine le eadar-aghaidh grafaigeach as fheàrr leis an neach-cleachdaidh
2X Cortex A72 suas gu 1.8GHZ agus 4X Cortex A53 suas gu 1.4GHZ
LPDDR4 4G RAM Àrd-astar 32G ROM
Tha CarPlay Android Auto a ’toirt a-steach
Taic PlayStore, toirt a-steach NetFilx, Waza, Mapa Google agus mar sin air adhart.
DSP ( Pròiseasaran fuaim didseatach )
Siostam gluasaid didseatach iomlan.
20000Suidheachadh EQ 0Hz 20KHz
6 toradh RCA neo-eisimeileach
Toraidhean claisneachd: 2x aghaidh,2x cùil, 1x subwoofer meadhan 1x, 1x Amplifier (SPDIF)
6 slighe neach-labhairt neo-eisimeileach Pass Pass Àrd Ìosal
6 dòigh parament ùine neo-eisimeileach
1 dòigh toradh SPDIF
Subwoofer: 60Hz 150Hz
Toradh cumhachd Max:4 x 45 Watt
Cumhachd toraidh iomlan Max:180 Watt
Paramadairean toraidh
Modail Àir. | 6024 | |||
Meud LCD | 9 òirleach | |||
Seòrsa Modail | PAD | |||
Modalan càr | MERCEDES SMART 2016 | |||
Platfrom | HS400 | HS600 | HS900 | |
CPU | 4G LTE | Taic Dongle | CPU toirt a-steach | Taic Dongle |
Tionndadh Android | 10 | 10 | 10 | |
CPU | T3 4core A7 | TS9 8core A9 | PX6 6 cridhe 2XA72 4X53 | |
Tricead | 1.1GHz | 1.8GHz | A72 2.0GHz A53 1.5GHz | |
C1 tasgadan | 32Cache treòrachaidh K L1 agus tasgadan dàta 32KB L1 airson gach CPU | Bidh gach Cortex-A72 a ’toirt a-steach tasgadan stiùiridh 48KB L1 agus tasgadan dàta 32KB L1 le associative seata 4-way. Bidh gach Cortex A53 a ’fighe a-steach tasgadan stiùiridh 32KB L1 agus tasgadan dàta 32kB L1 air leth le ceangal seata 4-slighe | ||
C2 L2 | 512K L2 tasgadan air a roinn | 1MB aonaichte L2 Cache airson am brabhsair Mòr, 512KB aonaichte L2 Cache airson Little cluster | ||
GPU | Tha Mali400 MP2 a ’toirt taic do OpenGL ES1.1 2.0, Fosgail VG 1.1 àbhaisteach | ARM Mali T860MP4 GPU, cuir taic ri OpenGL ES1.1 2.0 3.0, OpenCL1.2, DirectX11.1 msaa | ||
RAM ROM | RAM | 1GB 2GB 4GB | 2GB 4GB | 2GB 4GB |
ROM | 16GB 32GB | 32GB 64GB | 32GB 64GB | |
Prìomh bhòrd | Teicneòlas | Òr bogaidh | Òr bogaidh | Òr bogaidh |
Prìomh shreath a ’bhùird | 2 | 4 | 6 | |
Rèidio | Rèidio | NXP 6686 | NXP 6686 | NXP 6686 |
RDS | Taic | Taic | Taic | |
DAB + | Taic | Taic | Taic | |
BT | Tionndadh | 4 | 5 | 5 ( Qualcomm roghainneil) |
Micreofon | Beulaibh | Beulaibh | Beulaibh | |
Siostam fuaim | AMP IC | TDA7388 | TDA7851 | ST 7803A |
DSP IC | Chan eil | Chan eil | AKM 7738VQ | |
Suidheachadh DSP | Chan eil | Chan eil | Proifeasanta | |
Filter Pass Àrd | Chan eil | Chan eil | tha | |
Filter Pass Ìosal | Chan eil | Chan eil | tha | |
Cumhachd | 20W * 4 | 45W * 4 | 45W * 4 | |
Wayout | 4.1 | 4.1 | 6 | |
Monitor fois ceann | Bhidio gu monitor headrest | Taic | Taic | Taic |
Sòn dùbailte | tha | tha | tha | |
USB | USB 2.0 | USB 2.0 | USB 2.0 | |
HDMI | Chan eil | Chan eil | tha | |
Canbus | tha | tha | tha | |
GPS | tha | tha | tha | |
WiFi | tha | tha | tha | |
Rùn LCD | 1280w * RGB * 480H | 1280w * RGB * 480H | 1280w * RGB * 480H | |
Camara AHD | Chan eil | Chan eil | tha | |
Camara aghaidh | tha | tha | tha | |
Sgrion suathadh | Suathadh Capacitive | Suathadh Capacitive | Suathadh Capacitive | |
Dì-chòdachadh | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | |
bhidio | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | |
claisneachd | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | |
dealbh | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | stèidhichte air andorid agus APP | |
Luchdaich DVD | taic | taic | taic | |
CarPlay | tha | tha | tha | |
Auto Android | tha | tha | tha | |
Teisteanas | CE EMC | CE EMC | CE EMC | |
Pasgan & Cuideam | Pasgan dath 4KG aon phìos 17KG aon carton 4 pìosan ann an aon carton | |||
Accessories | 1X Càball cumhachd 1X càball camara 2X USB càball 1X AV càball 1X Canbus Box 1X GPS càball 1X WiFi connector 1X neach-labhairt 1X ceangal rèidio | |||
Luingearachd | 5~ 10days ùine luaidhe. Le DHL TNT FedEx cuir an cèill, bathar adhair msaa. | |||
Lìbhrigeadh& Seirbheis | Lìbhrigeadh ùineail gach uair. Thoir seachad seirbheis earbsach agus cunntachail airson gach neach-ceannach le gach toradh. Is e ar targaid a bhith a ’sàsachadh gach neach-ceannach leis an t-seirbheis as fheàrr |