Nissan Patrol VTC 9inch OEM Car Radio Cd Dvd Navigation
Nissan Patrol VTC 9inch OEM Car Radio Cd Dvd Navigation
HansTone offer the Nissan Patrol Safari VTC Y60 with cutting edge technology 10.1inch design, dilengkapi CarPlay, android otomatis, NetFlix, Play Store, Youtube, Google Waze 3D Navigasi full time, Radio Mbusak tanpa gangguan, Teknologi Qualcomm Advanced BT5.0, 20000EQ, output swara digital, 6 Output RCA independen, Output HDMI.
Parameter Produk
Model No.. | 206 | |||
Ukuran LCD | 9inci | |||
Jinis Model | OEM 2 Parts | |||
Model Mobil | Nissan Patrol Safari VTC Y60 | |||
Platfrom | HS400 | HS600 | HS900 | |
CPU | 4G LTE | Dhukungan Dongle | CPU kalebu | Dhukungan Dongle |
Versi Android | 10 | 10 | 10 | |
CPU | T3 4core A7 | TS9 8core A9 | PX6 6 inti 2XA72 4X53 | |
Frekuensi | 1.1GHz | 1.8GHz | A72 2.0GHz A53 1.5GHz | |
L1 cache | 32K instruksi cache L1 lan cache Data 32KB L1 kanggo saben CPU | Saben Cortex-A72 nggabungake cache instruksi 48KB L1 lan cache data 32KB L1 kanthi asosiatif 4 arah. Saben Cortex A53 nggabungake cache instruksi 32KB L1 lan cache data 32kB L1 kanthi asosiasi 4 arah | ||
L2 cache | 512K L2 cache dituduhake | 1MB nggabungake L2 Cache kanggo cluster Big, 512KB nggabungake L2 Cache kanggo cluster Little | ||
GPU | Mali400 MP2 ndhukung OpenGL ES1.1 2.0, Mbukak VG 1.1 standar | GPU ARM Mali T860MP4, dhukungan OpenGL ES1.1 2.0 3.0, OpenCL1.2, DirectX11.1 lsp | ||
ROM ROM | RAM | 1GB 2GB 4GB | 2GB 4GB | 2GB 4GB |
ROM | 16GB 32GB | 32GB 64GB | 32GB 64GB | |
Papan utama | Teknologi | Emas Immersion | Emas Immersion | Emas Immersion |
Lapisan Papan Utama | 2 | 4 | 6 | |
Radio | Radio | NXP 6686 | NXP 6686 | NXP 6686 |
RDS | Dhukungan | Dhukungan | Dhukungan | |
DAB + | Dhukungan | Dhukungan | Dhukungan | |
BT | Versi | 4 | 5 | 5 ( Qualcomm opsional) |
Mikropon | Ngarep | Ngarep | Ngarep | |
Sistem swara | IC IC | TDA7388 | TDA7851 | ST 7803A |
DSP IC | Ora | Ora | AKM 7738VQ | |
Setelan DSP | Ora | Ora | Profesi | |
Filter Pass Tinggi | Ora | Ora | Nggih | |
Filter Low Pass | Ora | Ora | Nggih | |
Kekuwatan | 20W * 4 | 45W * 4 | 45W * 4 | |
Wayout | 4.1 | 4.1 | 6 | |
Kepala ngaso Monitor | Video kanggo monitor headrest | Dhukungan | Dhukungan | Dhukungan |
Zona Ganda | Nggih | Nggih | Nggih | |
USB | USB 2.0 | USB 2.0 | USB 2.0 | |
HDMI | Ora | Ora | Nggih | |
Canbus | Nggih | Nggih | Nggih | |
GPS | Nggih | Nggih | Nggih | |
WiFi | Nggih | Nggih | Nggih | |
Resolusi LCD | 1280w * RGB * 480H | 1280w * RGB * 480H | 1280w * RGB * 480H | |
Kamera AHD | Ora | Ora | Nggih | |
Kamera Ngarep | Nggih | Nggih | Nggih | |
Layar tutul | Sentuhan Kapasitif | Sentuhan Kapasitif | Sentuhan Kapasitif | |
Decode | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | |
video | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | |
audio | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | |
gambar | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | adhedhasar andorid lan APP | |
DVD loader | dhukungan | dhukungan | dhukungan | |
CarPlay | Nggih | Nggih | Nggih | |
Android Auto | Nggih | Nggih | Nggih | |
Sertifikat | CE EMC | CE EMC | CE EMC | |
Paket & Bobot | Paket Warna 3.5KG siji potong 16KG siji karton 4 potongan ing sak karton | |||
Aksesoris | 1Kabel X Kabel 1X kabel kamera 2X Kabel USB 1X Kabel AV 1X Canbus Box 1X Kabel GPS 1X Konektor WiFi 1X speaker 1X konektor radio | |||
Kiriman | 5~ 10 dina wektu pimpinan. Miturut DHL TNT FedEx express, pesawat udara lsp. | |||
Pangiriman& Layanan | Pangiriman pas wektune saben wektu. Nyedhiyakake layanan sing bisa dipercaya lan tanggung jawab kanggo saben pelanggan kanthi saben produk. Target kita yaiku kanggo memuaskan saben pelanggan kanthi layanan sing paling apik |
The Nissan Patrol is a four-wheel-drive vehicle, manufactured by Nissan in Japan since 1950. The car is available in Australia, New Zealand, Central America, South America, South Africa, United Kingdom and the Middle East and it is in direct competition with the Toyota Land Cruiser. The Patrol is available with either two door (Short Wheel Base or SWB), four door wagon (LWB, Long Wheel Base) and Utility/Cab Chassis Variants. The old Y60 (GQ) platform is still manufactured as a military vehicle in the coutries of Asia and the Middle East, and unconfirmed reports say that various versions of the Patrol are widely used by United Nations agencies. Users respect the vehicle for its power and durability, and modern version of the Nissan Patrol remains in production. There are persistent rumours of Nissan releasing this car as a type of Infiniti, but those rumors are false. The Infiniti brand instead has a full-sized SUV called the QX56, which is based on the Nissan Armada.
Product advantages:
1.kanthi teknologi CPU canggih, HansTone PX6 mesthi ngadeg ing papan paling dhuwur ing pasar produk elektronik mobil dunia.
2.HansTone nawakake sistem swara DSP sing unik. Dilengkapi karo PX6 + AKM7738VQ + TDA 7803A, Unit kalebu 20,000 EQ, Output SPDIF, Pass dhuwur, Low Pass, 6 RCA independen, Wektu Parament lan liya-liyane.
3.Qualcomm BT 5.0 nawakake pengalaman nelpon lan musik paling apik .
4.HansTone nawakake mobil lawas karo 2020 cutting edge 10.25inch 21:9 design, sampeyan bisa ndeleng bioskop.
1.Weprovide more precisely and efficiently manufacture and serve according to clients'
2.Kita duwe tim QC profesional supaya produk sampeyan luwih apik.
3.Priksa bahan mentah sadurunge miwiti produksi.
4.Duwe pengawasan acak sajrone proses.
5.Gawe 100% pengawasan sadurunge dikirim.
KUALITAS sing Dhuwur:
Lulus CE, Otentikasi EMC.
1.Kita fokus ing carelectronics luwih saka 10 taun, karo 90 negara pelanggan kerjasama.
2.We nawakake OEM, Produk ODM lan Brand kanggo para pelanggan.
3.Luwih saka 800 jinis model mobil, luwih saka 50 negara desain OEM lokal, biaya murah per unit, lan kacepetan produksi kanggo nyengkuyung kerja sama menang kaping pindho .
4.Kanthi teknologi canggih, kita mesthi ngadeg ing grup pisanan ing teknologi, supaya pelanggan mesthi dadi pasar utama.
5.OEM, Dealer mesthi milih kita minangka produk kualitas stabil.
Kabeh produk kudu dilewati 6 kir ing kabeh proses:
1. Panyedhiya fungsi Lengkap, mriksa desain.
2.Tekanan bahan baku sing bakal teka ing IQC kita
3. Ing proses pamrosesan
4. Radom nalika mriksa garis
5.Pemeriksaan pungkasan
6. Radom Mrekso metu