Tsev » Tsheb xov tooj cua Cd Dvd Navigation Notes

Tsheb xov tooj cua Cd Dvd Navigation Notes

Tsheb DVD navigation lawv nyob rau hauv cov khoom automotive electronic khoom, Tsheb DVD navigation nyiaj rau ib puas-ua kev faib ua feem. ze li ntawm 40% Cov tswv tshiab muaj qhov xav tau nruab nrab tsheb DVD navigation. Yog li ntawd, vim, Ib tug xov tooj ntawm DVD navigation khoom uas ua thiab branded, thiab qhov txawv ntawm cov khoom zoo tshaj ntawd tshaj li koj imagination.

Ntau DVD khoom yuav tau screaming sai li sai tau thaum lawv muaj ntsia hauv lub tsheb, Thiab lub suab horn yuav quaj qw sai li sai tau thaum koj kauj ruam ntawm lub accelerator. Cov suab thiab dluab yog txom nyem heev.

Folding sound quality
DVD is used to play music, Li ntawd, lub suab zoo yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev. Yog li ntawd, vim, muas khoom ua ntej yuav muas dvd, nco ntsoov nug ntau npaum li cas "V" the front output of this DVD player is, or compare the sound quality of this machine with other DVD players. If the sound quality of a DVD player is comparable to that of a CD player, the price will certainly not be cheaper.

Folded image dosage
There are two types of DVD screens, analog screen and digital high-definition screen. The pixels of the analog screen are generally 240 * 240 Lossis 480 * 240 pixels, while the HD screen is generally 800 * 480 pixels or higher. In addition, good DVDs are equipped with dual optical drives, that is, DVD and CD optical drives.

Folding convenience
Good DVD manufacturers will use better navigation software. Poor DVD navigation is easy to crash during navigation, or the navigation speed is slow, and the accuracy of navigation is also poor. Because good DVD navigation adopts the "dual-core" mode, that is, two independent CPU processing systems are used, so that the two systems do not interfere with each other, the navigation speed is fast, the accuracy is high, and the use is convenient.

If you want to know more about Car multimedia players, GPS navigation, etc., you can contact us.

ncej: 2020-04-21