Imah » Produk » BMW X1 10.1 inci 9 Inch Car Radio Navigation Multi Media Player

BMW X1 10.1 inci 9 Inch Car Radio Navigation Multi Media Player

HansTone offer the BMW X1 10.1inch design, nya dilengkepan CarPlay, otomatis android, NetFlix, Play Store, Youtube, Google Waze 3D waktos pinuh Navigasi, Radio Hapus tanpa gangguan, Teknologi Qualcomm Advanced BT5.0, 20000EQ, kaluaran sora digital, 6 Kaluaran mandiri RCA, Kaluaran HDMI.

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6031 BMW X1 10.1 inci

BMW X1 10.1 inci 9 Inch Car Radio Navigation Multi Media Player

Product advantages:

1. kalayan téknologi CPU canggih, HansTone PX6 sok nangtung dina tempat luhur pasar produk éléktronik mobil dunya.

2.HansTone nawiskeun sistem sora DSP anu unik. Dilengkepan PX6 + AKM7738VQ + TDA 7803A, Unit kaasup 20,000 EQ, Kaluaran SPDIF, Lulus luhur, Lulus handap, 6 mandiri RCA, Time Parament jeung sajabana.

3.Qualcomm BT 5.0 nawiskeun pangalaman nelepon sareng musik anu pangsaéna .

4.HansTone nawiskeun mobil lami sareng 2020 desain ujung, anjeun tiasa kéngingkeun bioskop.


As the first premium vehicle of its kind, the BMW X1 is a true trailblazer in the compact segment. After some two-and-a-half years, sales of the compact BMW X model built at BMW Plant in Leipzig and in Tiexi, China have already exceeded 275 000 units. With its specially modified body design, meticulously upgraded interior, comprehensively revised engine portfolio, the new range of BMW Lines and further innovative equipment features, the new BMW X1 delivers an even more intensive experience of the hallmark driving pleasure for which the brand is known.

In parallel with the launch of the new BMW X1, preparations are under way for its US market launch. Further growth impulses emanate from production in China: the new BMW X1 models destined for the Chinese market are being built in the newly opened plant at Tiexi in Shenyang Province.

The successful concept of transferring familiar BMW X features to the compact segment has since led to increased competition in the vehicle class spawned by the BMW X1. This lead is now being extended: the relationship between performance and fuel consumption has been further optimised thanks to engines with BMW TwinPower Turbo technology, an eight-speed automatic transmission that is unique in this segment, the Auto Start-Stop function, Brake Energy Regeneration, ECO PRO mode and a wider range of BMW EfficientDynamics technology. Setting a particularly impressive example here is the BMW X1 sDrive20d EfficientDynamics Edition with average fuel consumption in the EU test cycle of 4.5 litres per 100 kilometres (62.7 mpg) and CO2 figures of 119 grams per kilometre.

Produk Parameter

Modél No. 6009
Ukuran LCD 9 inci
Jenis Modél PAD
Model Mobil BMW X1
Platfrom HS400 HS600 HS900
CPU 4G LTE Dukungan Dongle CPU kalebet Dukung Dongle
Vérsi Android 10 10 10
CPU T3 4core A7 TS9 8core A9 PX6 6 inti 2XA72 4X53
Frékuénsi 1.1GHz 1.8GHz A72 2.0GHz A53 1.5GHz
Panutup L1 32Cache instruksi K L1 sareng 32KB L1 Data cache pikeun per CPU Unggal Cortex-A72 ngintegrasikeun 48KB L1 instruksi cache sareng 32KB L1 data cache sareng 4-set set associative. Unggal Cortex A53 ngintegrasikeun 32KB L1 instruksi cache sareng 32kB L1 data cache sacara misah sareng 4-cara set associative
Cache L2 512K c2 dibagikeun kache 1MB ngahijikeun L2 Cache pikeun klaster Big, 512KB ngahijikeun L2 Cache pikeun klaster Sait
GPU Mali400 MP2 ngadukung OpenGL ES1.1 2.0, Buka VG 1.1 standar ARM Mali T860MP4 GPU, ngadukung OpenGL ES1.1 2.0 3.0, OpenCL1.2, DirectX11.1 jsb
Rom 1632GB GB 3264GB GB 3264GB GB
Mainboard Téhnologi Penyebaran Emas Penyebaran Emas Penyebaran Emas
Lapisan Papan Utama 2 4 6
Radio Radio NXP 6686 NXP 6686 NXP 6686
RDS Dukungan Dukungan Dukungan
DAB + Dukungan Dukungan Dukungan
BT Vérsi 4 5 5 ( Kualitas opsional)
Mikropon Hareupeun Hareupeun Hareupeun
Sistem sora IC AMP TDA7388 TDA7851 ST 7803A
DSP IC Henteu Henteu AKM 7738VQ
DSP Setting Henteu Henteu Profesional
Filter Filter Luhur Henteu Henteu Leres
Saring Pass Saring Henteu Henteu Leres
Kakuatan 20W * 4 45W * 4 45W * 4
Wayout 4.1 4.1 6
Kepala sesa Monitor Video ka monitor headrest Dukungan Dukungan Dukungan
Daérah Dual Leres Leres Leres
USB USB 2.0 USB 2.0 USB 2.0
HDMI Henteu Henteu Leres
Canbus Leres Leres Leres
GPS Leres Leres Leres
Wifi Leres Leres Leres
Resolusi LCD 1280w * RGB * 480H 1280w * RGB * 480H 1280w * RGB * 480H
Kaméra AHD Henteu Henteu Leres
Kaméra hareup Leres Leres Leres
Layar cabak Toél Kapasitif Toél Kapasitif Toél Kapasitif
Decode dumasar kana andorid sareng APP dumasar kana andorid sareng APP dumasar kana andorid sareng APP
pidio dumasar kana andorid sareng APP dumasar kana andorid sareng APP dumasar kana andorid sareng APP
audio dumasar kana andorid sareng APP dumasar kana andorid sareng APP dumasar kana andorid sareng APP
gambar dumasar kana andorid sareng APP dumasar kana andorid sareng APP dumasar kana andorid sareng APP
DVD loader dukungan dukungan dukungan
CarPlay Leres Leres Leres
Otomatis Android Leres Leres Leres
Sertipikat EMC EMC EMC
Pakét & Beurat Bungkusan Warna 4KG hiji sapotong 17KG hiji karton 4 potongan dina hiji karton
Asesoris 1X Power kabel 1X kabel kaméra 2X kabel USB 1X AV kabel 1X Canbus Box 1X kabel GPS 1X WiFi konektor 1X speaker 1X konektor radio
Balanja 5~ 10n waktos nuju. Ku ekspres DHL TNT FedEx, angkutan udara jsb.
Pangiriman& Palayanan Pas waktosna waktos. Nyayogikeun jasa anu tiasa dipercaya sareng tanggung jawab pikeun masing-masing konsumén kalayan unggal produk. Target kami pikeun nyugemakeun unggal customer sareng jasa anu pangsaéna

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